Sunday, June 23, 2013

The men and the Mommies who feed them.

I have customers.

A few months ago a customer arrived.  He was a lucrative customer so I was glad to have him.

If there is not this equation in business, there should be:

                               no matter the profit + infinite high maintence = not worth it. 

Such has become this customer.  

He has a girlfriend.  Let us pretend her name is Mommy.  I have learned that no matter what I ask of my customer, he responds, "I don't know, that's Mommy's department."  I would come to realize my customer does nothing-nada-nil-zip for himself;  Mommy does it all.

My father is not of this ilk but while visiting him, I would once again see too painfully clearly how my brother is.  My brother sits in an inert diaper while for him his wife does everything. She makes his breakfast, lunch, and dinner, setting plates before him and then whisking them away to do dishes. She works a full time job, shops,  cleans the house, does the laundry.  As far as I can tell, he, unemployed, smokes, watches TV,  and "likes" Led Zeppelin pages on facebook all day.

Who the fuck are these loser men, but moreso: why are these women catering to them?  Have they never heard of, like, the ERA? The 60's? That bra-burning thing?

But mostly: I'm like a great fucking cook, I clean my fucking bathroom tiles with a toothbrush, I do my own laundry, I shop for myself, I wash my own dishes, AND I paint great mediocre paintings.  I can't get a fucking date.

When did guys turn into such pussies, and what the hell is going on with the women who are servile to it?