Thursday, September 25, 2014

Donald Sterling made me a feminist. Oh, right: Also, FUCK YOU, Snoop Dogg. Also: Peteski is an ignorant douche.

Should men give a rat's ass about feminist things?  Already exhausted by women, they want me to care about more whiny chick-shit? Then I was riding my bike one day thinking about feminists and I thought, well,  I'm not too fond of a black man being dragged to death tied up to the back of a pick up truck, but that doesn't make me a "negrist."  Because then I'd have to be a "gayist," and all the other oppressed microcosms of "-ists" on earth.  So many -ISTs!  Can't I just think it's all not a great way to treat anyone and be one, I don't know,  humanist, and call it a day?

Donald Sterling changed all that.

If you look up at the top banner, there are previous chapters in the riveting saga that is Little Bored Fauntleroy.  Also, there is a link to my Tumblr page.  Even more uneventful than the rest of me, I maintain it as a diary of visually beautiful moments,  my own curated universe.  I can open up the "archive" and see them all together, and it is very satisfying, pretty and aesthetic and, for just a moment, a real reprieve to what everyone else thinks is beautiful. (For instance.)

To post crap on Tumblr, you can upload your own stuff, but also you follow people, people follow you, and posts tumble through the connections. I follow people who have an aesthetic similar to mine. I don't know them, or anything about them.  I can guess who might be gay, who lives in Venice Beach or somewhere in Japan, but no one I follow posts their personal bits.

If Scarlett Johansson and Charlize Theron had a sex tape, I'd watch it.  Minus that, I'm not much of a "tits-and-ass" kind of  "Fucking-A!" kind of fantasy football kind of Sony PlayStation kind of Budweiser kind of porn collection kind of guy. Meaning Kate Upton, that I even know she exists, is a mystery to me. That Katy Perry is a celebrity at all is a mystery to me.  That she was THE most beautiful woman on this list?  Whaaaaa? So goes the sentiment for most of that list: I just don't get it.

I seem to have an alternative aesthetic, one that thinks a good conversation over eggs or tea or vodka is better than just about anything else on earth.  Mind you, I've not had a conversation with ANYone over ANYthing in many, many years, so that's how that's going.

So that when guys talk about how hot any of these women are, or merely engage in generic tits and ass banter, I disengage.  Then I delete.

Still, I haven't deleted this guy from my Tumblr page. I haven't deleted him because he is Part 3. (update: now that this post is, er, posted, Peteski is deleted.)

But Donald Sterling is Part 1.

You know the story: recordings surface of Donald Sterling telling his mistress, or "beard," that he doesn't want her hanging out with black people.  Everyone goes apeshit and Donald is ousted as owner of the Clippers.  A few things.

1.  Donald Sterling NEVER uses the N-Word, or any other derogatory term.
2.  Donald Sterling is expressing an opinion in the privacy of his own home.
3.  Donald Sterling has an opinion that is not unlike a lot of peoples opinion, especially of that generation.

I don't share in Mr. Sterling's opinion, but boy did he got FLEECED HARD for having it.  In the privacy of his own home.  Minus N-Words.

Snoop Dogg, a guy I once considered THE coolest guy on earth,  became Part 2.  In response to Mr. Sterling's unfortunate opinion, expressed in the privacy of his own home, minus N-Language, Mr. Dogg posted this video response. Everyone thought it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

Soon after, I was perusing the Tumblr like I do, and I noticed this, Part 3.  And just like that, *click*, I was a feminist.  Because what happened to James Byrd, Jr. was horrific.  This, however, is adorable! And sexy!  And suddenly the confluence of moments made something I'd never previously noticed VERY CLEAR: 

It's not okay to opine against a black man, but it IS okay for a (black) man to pretend to slam-dunk a basketball into a women's vagina.

It's not okay use the N-Word, but cute little CUNT images are adorable!  Additionally, it's okay for, say, Mr. Dogg to call women Bitch or Whore.

Now,  artist Eric Yahnker may have meant his art as "a witty commentary on the semiotics of contemporary American culture and politics,"  it was posted along with two other of his images that were not of this ilk. I'm only guessing the   1, 092 notes it received weren't getting this particular joke, or maybe it was just This Isn't Happiness that wasn't getting it, or maybe I just thought that because of the company this post was in.

Like these, all from This Isn't Happiness tumblr page. 

Suddenly, I wasn't feeling Snoop Dogg too much.  It is okay to do ALL THIS to a woman, but you can't not like black people? 

Racist ... versus Adorable!

Right.  Once upon a time this is what black people were, caricatures, mere things, OBJECTS, to be cartooned.


But then it wasn't funny anymore, was it?

Why did it take so long for black people to decide ENOUGH, and why do women still willingly participate in their own unfortunate definition?  A Tom Carson bit of brilliance,"The difference between 'Gilligan's Island' and 'Waiting for Godot' is of degree, not kind." 

Well, Stockholm Syndrome is of degree, not kind.

Remember this one?

Well, Mr. Dogg and all the other outraged asshwads who went apeshit because some old fuck doesn't like black people and said so in the privacy of his own home, THIS...IS A WOMAN.