Breakfast yesterday morning and most mornings with little variations: curried lentils with mushrooms, some kind of green, leafy thing. Cabbage with lemon and olive oil. Persimmon with mustard-lemon dressing. Green tea and an orange.
I'm not vegetarian because cheeseburgers are just too damn delicious, but I eat little meat.
I was a fat fuck kid, and I was mercilessly tortured for it. Well, I was the fat fuck kid who was also ugly and the perpetual new kid in class: four jr. high schools, five high schools, all in different states and all in the middle of a school year. Highschool was awesome!
When you're fat you acquire additional fat cells. If you lose weight you don't lessen the fat cells, they just stick around begging to be fed. Also, your body changes and remains permanently disgusting.
Line up, ladies, it can all be yours!
Because I lack health insurance, I've no option but to help myself, to do whatever I can to keep myself healthy. This means I can't keep shoving fritos into my fat-fuck face and then expect insurance to pay for surgery because I'm too lazy to stop. It also means I can't eat pineapple for three days and then a gallon of ice-cream and then sigh and whine, Diets never work! Also, this means when I get diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes I have to maybe look at how I got there and then change those archaic and ignorant habits.
Story 1. For breakfast you eat corn flakes, someone else eats bagels, someone eats nothing and I eat lentils, it's that simple and that unremarkable. I boil up a batch, throw them in the fridge, and warm some up every morning just like instant oatmeal. Fast, easy, accessible. No less than half a dozen times my father watched me do this and with an almost incredulous anger sputtered, "I mean my god, who taught you to eat like that?"
Story 2. We are having dinner out. My dad's diabetic, insulin-taking wife is seated to my right. My newly diagnosed diabetic brother is seated to my left. It is dessert. Most people pass. My dad's wife leans across me and asks my brother, "Do you want to split a creme brulee for dessert?" When he says he probably shouldn't, she endeavors to talk him into it. Awww...c'mon, she cajoles. Then we go home and she shoots up more insulin.
Tour de Family Lesson Number One. If you're a fat fuck diabetic who relies on insulin over lifestyle change to keep you going, that's okay, everyone feels sorry for you because you have diabetes. If you own your own actions and have taken steps to never get there, people make fun of you and practically curse you for being so 'weird!'
My father felt sorry for my brother. My father was angry at me.